Monday, November 23, 2009

The words of BYE BYE.

I would like to say good bye for now to Ms. Averitt, Dr. Strange and my fellow classmates.

Blog Final

This is a picture of sunset over the ocean. I would like to think of it as a happy setting.

1) Blogs- I have learned how blogs can be very effective personally and professionally. For students I would like to look at blogs as journals.

Presentations- Personal and group presentations allowed my fellow classmates to learn about who I am and also working together with others was important for my interpersonal learning style.

Google Docs- I really did not learn that much of anything about Google Docs.

Podcast/Videocast- I was definitely interested in creating podcast/videocast. I agree knowing the topic before hand and creating a script worked out best for us. I would like to think that a teacher could create podcast/videocast of lessons, student projects and etc. For instance a student being sick with the flu can access the podcast/videocast containing the missed assignment from their home computer without risking infecting others.

Post you read- I have learned a lot from Vicki Davis, WmChamberlain and Mr. McClung. All have insights from their post or videos about technology in the classroom. I would like to stay connected with them, even though this class is coming to an end.

Personal Learning Network- I learned how to connect and follow others online who have similar topic interest as mine. People who are connecting about technology and education can offer great resources for use in the classroom. Also I have enjoyed the feedback as well from them. In my future classes, I plan to implement a PLN assignment.

Comment4kids- I enjoyed giving my feedback on the students blog entries. To offer the students positive feedback about their writing is a really good feeling to have. Form this assignment, I feel confident and ready to implement my own class blog.

iTunes/iTunes U- I was already familiar with iTunes, yet with iTunesU I learned about many universities offering a lot of free information with a range of subjects. Also podcast on how to implement them into the classroom and not to be afraid of them.

Accessibility- I enjoyed making all of my pictures accessible for the disable. I would want everyone to get the fullest possible picture about what I’m writing on.

Google Earth- was cancelled

ACCESS/ALEX- Both of these offer web links, podcast, professional learning workshop information all to help make a better sufficient educator. I think both of these sites has a lot to offer any educator at any grade level. Great resources that I intend to keep an update on in my professional studies and workforce.

Foliotek- this is my first semester here at University of South Alabama. So, foliotek was very challenging in finding the correct way to upload a file and linking my blogs, iGoogle page, and others that are online. With each class as I go, I intend to increase my knowledge and confidence with working with this program.

I have learned many things from EDM 310 Microcomputing class. I intend to use skype, blogs, podcast and iGoogle in my personal and professional style of technologically communicating with my future students.

2) Are things you would like to have learned in this class but did not?
Upon entering this class, I had really no idea what this class was about. My eyes have been opened to a lot f positive ideas. The only thing I can name now is possibly using smart boards in an assignment. We could have learned how to setup and implemented into our lessons.

3) Are their things you learned in this class but wish you had not? No

4) Did the class excite you in anyway? Certain assignments really did excite me. Learning the usage of Google-igoogle project really elevated my knowledge of basically creating an online lesson plan area for students and parents to view. This really had me beaming all different ideas about how I could apply this with my future students.

5) Did you find anything in this class to be particularly intellectually challenging?
My answer would be no, because I felt if you listened and was patient in exploring the project, then it would come to you much as easier. As oppose to becoming frustrated.

6) Were you bored by this class at any time? If so, what bored you and how might that be corrected?
The main reason I would say yes to being bored at times is because every one in the class is on different levels of knowing about technology. Also to add is the many ranges of age of my fellow classmates that plays a part in it as well. At times can cause stall moments in the classroom, especially when you are eager to learn or do the project versus being intimidated or afraid of it.

7) Would you change this course in any way?
I think I would like to add a project for creating your own website. Learning how to incorporate Microsoft Office Front Page, iTunes, blogs and whatever else to work together to create a website for the classroom or personal use.

8) Are you Technologically Literate at the moment? To what extent?
Before entering this class I would have considered myself technologically literate at a level between some and medium. After this class I would consider myself my level at good. I plan to really show my students the usage of positive learning with the Internet.

9) How will you maintain or improve your technological literacy between now and the time you graduate ….. to the time you start teaching?
The only way in my opinion to maintain or improve on my technological literacy is to continue using the technology, staying updated and being on the lookout for more technology toys to explore.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Lists

This is a picture of the word mistake with a eraser of a pencil scrolling across.

Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers make with Technology
Number four on the list is named- Thinking online communication is ever private.

This applies to practically ever public work force setting in my opinion. We can not be idiots to think that sending inappropriate emails at work will not become public. Facebook, Myspace and Twitter accounts should be taken more serious. Precisely why the idea of keeping personal life outside of the work place is a rule that stills holds value.

Number seven on the list is named- Thinking technology in schools will go away. As the rule says, it is stupid to think technology in education will go away.

Technology is here to stay. It is involved in banking, business and agriculture just to name a few. I can not stress how important it is that teachers not be afraid of technology. One of the jobs of a teacher is to prepare our students for tomorrow. Hey guess what? Technology is apart of tomorrow....

Seven Brilliant Things Teachers do with Technology

Rule number er three on the list is named- Making conferencing real-time
I feel I am on the path to becoming a technological literate teacher. Therefore, I can see myself having online grade books, blogs and even an iGoogle page for my students and parents to view. Being proactive about having my student's parents involved is very important to the student's overall success. Parents do need that extra push to know that they are wanted and needed.

Rule number seven is named- Delight in the discovery, the newness an the fun technology holds. Its not about technology; its about finding out and doing"cool" things. Brilliant tech-using teachers have never lost the thrill of doing something new and interesting with these electronic Tinker Toys.
I agree that we should delight in the discovery of technology. We all should be exploring how we can use technology in our lives. Yet we can still hold on to a sense of originality. We just have to find the balance and not be afraid of technology.

New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation

Rule number seven is named- Use polite speech when speaking,blogging, texting, twittering, instant messaging, etc..
All students need to be polite and respectful when communicating with others, regardless of the form of communication. Being polite increases the chance of the recipient being polite in their response. This is part of using the golden rule- treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Rule number eleven states that you should complete assignments neatly and on time and submit online or post to your blog or wiki, and share it with your followers on twitters.
Students must be held accountable for all work. Must learn to complete an assignment in a clean fashion and on time. This rule helps the student apply organization and
time management skills that will benefit him/her in any setting. It also holds the student responsible for making the assignment available for others to view.

At the Teachers Desk

This is a picture of a colorful teachers desk, with a apple on the desk.
The At the Teachers Desk blog seems be very resourceful. One of the members of this blog,Wm Chamberlain, we have had many assignments involving his works and thoughts. Some of the blogs posting I did take a interest to.

This blog is titled"Something That Matters, by Wm Chamberlain. In this post, is a picture of graffiti written on the wall. It says,"I wanna do something that matters". Mr. Chamberlain asks the question, "Is the drive for money the reason that keeps students from doing something that matters. I think this is a very,very good question we should ask ourselves and our peer (future)teachers as well.

Next, Tuesdays with Morrie/Teacher Movies, written by John Lamshed. The blogger writes that deep down we all as in teachers love a good teacher movie. Some suggestions are Dangerous Minds, The Ron Clark Story, To Sir with Love and Tuesdays with Morrie. Two of these movies listed, I have already watched before. They really are great inspirational stories of how hope and determination can eventually win out.

A third blog, Teachers 2.0 by Jarrod Lamshed, expresses the need for teachers to keep learning. I agree that teachers must be learning everyday. Must be willing to explore and investigate. Learning different strategies to help students learn better and feel confident about themselves. As the blogger states, its time to be voted off the island , if you think you have nothing more to learn in your teaching career after some of point of teaching.Other blogs that seem of good interset are Using skype to connect ESOL students with Foreign Language Students and Teachers need to become social networking experts.

This collaborative professional blog is really a good, fun, and resourceful idea to be available to teachers. This blog allows teachers to vent about the current issues facing education, issues going on with their own class and material that may be of use to others. The blog also gives an outlet for teachers to show what new features, gadgets and technology assignments/programs that are really making headway in their classes.

To view At the Teachers Desk, just click above on the name in the title section.

Toward A New Future of Whatever- Michael Wesch

This is picture of the earth with microphones reaching up to the globe, like in a press conference type of scenario. The heading reads Media Emgerging or changing

This assignment has my fellow classmates and I looking at a video by Michael Wesch. The video mostly is centered around media and the connections through how we are using it and the changes that have come. An example he give is how our conversations are mediated- through web cams, such as using you tube or skype. This has changed the way we speak and present our selves to others. We are not speaking directly in person and language(verbally)/body language can be transferred differently than how you act face to face.

Technology is great for use in so many ways. Yet, we have to be careful as future teachers and as individuals using this technology to not allow it to overtake us. Some things still work better when handled in person. We can't alllow technology to overtake us and replace the human feelings that can easily get lost.

I know personally, I am a fan of technology. I have just recently found out about skype. A free software that allows you to video chat with someone else. You can either make a Internet phone call or do a video chat. I am currently in the market for a web cam. I intend to mostly use this technology to communicate with family members far and near to me. I am not too comfortable with making a you tube video or posting of that kind. Yet I can say that for this class, for a group project, I had the pleasure of doing a podcast on the topic of Interesting Internet Sites for High School Teachers. This week it is now available for listening to on itunes. It was initially supposed to be videocast, but do to technical malfunctions it ended up being a podcast. For anyone interested in listening to it, you can subscribe to it on itunes. Yes, it is FREE!! It is under Alexis Taylor and Ashley Lambert Podcast. You probably would have to search under Dr. Strange's name or University of South Alabama to narrow down the search. Technology does has its up's and down's, but you have find the balance.

Why is it important for students to post their work to the Web?

This a picture showing the campus of Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University in Normal,Alabama. With the school's symbol on the left.

For this assignment, my fellow classmates are to tell why its important for students to post their work to the web. I really believe that technology has and will be a significant part of children's future. We need to learn about this technology and what better way than to learn in school. Students are assigned research projects, journal entries, in class activities- such as conflict resolution and teamwork. Why not have students work available on-line? This is another way for teachers to be held accountable for providing the materials and work needed to help the students learn. Reading the assignments on line can help the parents can gain quicker access to how and what their children are learning. Keeps them up to speed on the progress as well.

From this class, I have been introduced to blogs,podcast, videocast, iGoogle,and Google it self. These tools of communicating, I think have and will continue to be very valuable to me whether or not I teach. Which I think is a major benefit. Students can use blogs to gain feedback from other students and teachers around the world. Many students need to practice their writing skills. Writing is subject I think is slipping through the cracks compared to science and math subjects being emphasized on.

Podcast and Videocast also help students post their own work through audio and video technology. Students are able to formulate ideas and topics to be discuss, practice techniques of presentation and learn the logistics of working with audio and camera materials. Students can watch how others around the world respond to their work. This offers support through others giving positive and constructive criticism.

Also from this class, I am glad I was introduced to Sir Ken Robinson:The Importance of Creativity and Michael Wesch: A vision of students today video's and had the opportunity to write my opinion about them. Last but certainly no least, the Comment4kids(Mrs.Gorend's Classroom) assignment my fellow classmates and I have recently been assign, has indeed been rewarding to offer my feedback to students around the country on their friendly letter writing and other assignments.

Inspiring students to promote their work can help them in the long run in terms adding another asset to gaining acceptance into college. Just a thought!!!