Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Lists

This is a picture of the word mistake with a eraser of a pencil scrolling across.

Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers make with Technology
Number four on the list is named- Thinking online communication is ever private.

This applies to practically ever public work force setting in my opinion. We can not be idiots to think that sending inappropriate emails at work will not become public. Facebook, Myspace and Twitter accounts should be taken more serious. Precisely why the idea of keeping personal life outside of the work place is a rule that stills holds value.

Number seven on the list is named- Thinking technology in schools will go away. As the rule says, it is stupid to think technology in education will go away.

Technology is here to stay. It is involved in banking, business and agriculture just to name a few. I can not stress how important it is that teachers not be afraid of technology. One of the jobs of a teacher is to prepare our students for tomorrow. Hey guess what? Technology is apart of tomorrow....

Seven Brilliant Things Teachers do with Technology

Rule number er three on the list is named- Making conferencing real-time
I feel I am on the path to becoming a technological literate teacher. Therefore, I can see myself having online grade books, blogs and even an iGoogle page for my students and parents to view. Being proactive about having my student's parents involved is very important to the student's overall success. Parents do need that extra push to know that they are wanted and needed.

Rule number seven is named- Delight in the discovery, the newness an the fun technology holds. Its not about technology; its about finding out and doing"cool" things. Brilliant tech-using teachers have never lost the thrill of doing something new and interesting with these electronic Tinker Toys.
I agree that we should delight in the discovery of technology. We all should be exploring how we can use technology in our lives. Yet we can still hold on to a sense of originality. We just have to find the balance and not be afraid of technology.

New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation

Rule number seven is named- Use polite speech when speaking,blogging, texting, twittering, instant messaging, etc..
All students need to be polite and respectful when communicating with others, regardless of the form of communication. Being polite increases the chance of the recipient being polite in their response. This is part of using the golden rule- treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Rule number eleven states that you should complete assignments neatly and on time and submit online or post to your blog or wiki, and share it with your followers on twitters.
Students must be held accountable for all work. Must learn to complete an assignment in a clean fashion and on time. This rule helps the student apply organization and
time management skills that will benefit him/her in any setting. It also holds the student responsible for making the assignment available for others to view.

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