1) Blogs- I have learned how blogs can be very effective personally and professionally. For students I would like to look at blogs as journals.
Presentations- Personal and group presentations allowed my fellow classmates to learn about who I am and also working together with others was important for my interpersonal learning style.
Google Docs- I really did not learn that much of anything about Google Docs.
Podcast/Videocast- I was definitely interested in creating podcast/videocast. I agree knowing the topic before hand and creating a script worked out best for us. I would like to think that a teacher could create podcast/videocast of lessons, student projects and etc. For instance a student being sick with the flu can access the podcast/videocast containing the missed assignment from their home computer without risking infecting others.
Post you read- I have learned a lot from Vicki Davis, WmChamberlain and Mr. McClung. All have insights from their post or videos about technology in the classroom. I would like to stay connected with them, even though this class is coming to an end.
Personal Learning Network- I learned how to connect and follow others online who have similar topic interest as mine. People who are connecting about technology and education can offer great resources for use in the classroom. Also I have enjoyed the feedback as well from them. In my future classes, I plan to implement a PLN assignment.
Comment4kids- I enjoyed giving my feedback on the students blog entries. To offer the students positive feedback about their writing is a really good feeling to have. Form this assignment, I feel confident and ready to implement my own class blog.
iTunes/iTunes U- I was already familiar with iTunes, yet with iTunesU I learned about many universities offering a lot of free information with a range of subjects. Also podcast on how to implement them into the classroom and not to be afraid of them.
Accessibility- I enjoyed making all of my pictures accessible for the disable. I would want everyone to get the fullest possible picture about what I’m writing on.
Google Earth- was cancelled
ACCESS/ALEX- Both of these offer web links, podcast, professional learning workshop information all to help make a better sufficient educator. I think both of these sites has a lot to offer any educator at any grade level. Great resources that I intend to keep an update on in my professional studies and workforce.
Foliotek- this is my first semester here at University of South Alabama. So, foliotek was very challenging in finding the correct way to upload a file and linking my blogs, iGoogle page, and others that are online. With each class as I go, I intend to increase my knowledge and confidence with working with this program.
I have learned many things from EDM 310 Microcomputing class. I intend to use skype, blogs, podcast and iGoogle in my personal and professional style of technologically communicating with my future students.
2) Are things you would like to have learned in this class but did not?
Upon entering this class, I had really no idea what this class was about. My eyes have been opened to a lot f positive ideas. The only thing I can name now is possibly using smart boards in an assignment. We could have learned how to setup and implemented into our lessons.
3) Are their things you learned in this class but wish you had not? No
4) Did the class excite you in anyway? Certain assignments really did excite me. Learning the usage of Google-igoogle project really elevated my knowledge of basically creating an online lesson plan area for students and parents to view. This really had me beaming all different ideas about how I could apply this with my future students.
5) Did you find anything in this class to be particularly intellectually challenging?
My answer would be no, because I felt if you listened and was patient in exploring the project, then it would come to you much as easier. As oppose to becoming frustrated.
6) Were you bored by this class at any time? If so, what bored you and how might that be corrected?
The main reason I would say yes to being bored at times is because every one in the class is on different levels of knowing about technology. Also to add is the many ranges of age of my fellow classmates that plays a part in it as well. At times can cause stall moments in the classroom, especially when you are eager to learn or do the project versus being intimidated or afraid of it.
7) Would you change this course in any way?
I think I would like to add a project for creating your own website. Learning how to incorporate Microsoft Office Front Page, iTunes, blogs and whatever else to work together to create a website for the classroom or personal use.
8) Are you Technologically Literate at the moment? To what extent?
Before entering this class I would have considered myself technologically literate at a level between some and medium. After this class I would consider myself my level at good. I plan to really show my students the usage of positive learning with the Internet.
9) How will you maintain or improve your technological literacy between now and the time you graduate ….. to the time you start teaching?
The only way in my opinion to maintain or improve on my technological literacy is to continue using the technology, staying updated and being on the lookout for more technology toys to explore.
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