Monday, November 23, 2009

The words of BYE BYE.

I would like to say good bye for now to Ms. Averitt, Dr. Strange and my fellow classmates.

Blog Final

This is a picture of sunset over the ocean. I would like to think of it as a happy setting.

1) Blogs- I have learned how blogs can be very effective personally and professionally. For students I would like to look at blogs as journals.

Presentations- Personal and group presentations allowed my fellow classmates to learn about who I am and also working together with others was important for my interpersonal learning style.

Google Docs- I really did not learn that much of anything about Google Docs.

Podcast/Videocast- I was definitely interested in creating podcast/videocast. I agree knowing the topic before hand and creating a script worked out best for us. I would like to think that a teacher could create podcast/videocast of lessons, student projects and etc. For instance a student being sick with the flu can access the podcast/videocast containing the missed assignment from their home computer without risking infecting others.

Post you read- I have learned a lot from Vicki Davis, WmChamberlain and Mr. McClung. All have insights from their post or videos about technology in the classroom. I would like to stay connected with them, even though this class is coming to an end.

Personal Learning Network- I learned how to connect and follow others online who have similar topic interest as mine. People who are connecting about technology and education can offer great resources for use in the classroom. Also I have enjoyed the feedback as well from them. In my future classes, I plan to implement a PLN assignment.

Comment4kids- I enjoyed giving my feedback on the students blog entries. To offer the students positive feedback about their writing is a really good feeling to have. Form this assignment, I feel confident and ready to implement my own class blog.

iTunes/iTunes U- I was already familiar with iTunes, yet with iTunesU I learned about many universities offering a lot of free information with a range of subjects. Also podcast on how to implement them into the classroom and not to be afraid of them.

Accessibility- I enjoyed making all of my pictures accessible for the disable. I would want everyone to get the fullest possible picture about what I’m writing on.

Google Earth- was cancelled

ACCESS/ALEX- Both of these offer web links, podcast, professional learning workshop information all to help make a better sufficient educator. I think both of these sites has a lot to offer any educator at any grade level. Great resources that I intend to keep an update on in my professional studies and workforce.

Foliotek- this is my first semester here at University of South Alabama. So, foliotek was very challenging in finding the correct way to upload a file and linking my blogs, iGoogle page, and others that are online. With each class as I go, I intend to increase my knowledge and confidence with working with this program.

I have learned many things from EDM 310 Microcomputing class. I intend to use skype, blogs, podcast and iGoogle in my personal and professional style of technologically communicating with my future students.

2) Are things you would like to have learned in this class but did not?
Upon entering this class, I had really no idea what this class was about. My eyes have been opened to a lot f positive ideas. The only thing I can name now is possibly using smart boards in an assignment. We could have learned how to setup and implemented into our lessons.

3) Are their things you learned in this class but wish you had not? No

4) Did the class excite you in anyway? Certain assignments really did excite me. Learning the usage of Google-igoogle project really elevated my knowledge of basically creating an online lesson plan area for students and parents to view. This really had me beaming all different ideas about how I could apply this with my future students.

5) Did you find anything in this class to be particularly intellectually challenging?
My answer would be no, because I felt if you listened and was patient in exploring the project, then it would come to you much as easier. As oppose to becoming frustrated.

6) Were you bored by this class at any time? If so, what bored you and how might that be corrected?
The main reason I would say yes to being bored at times is because every one in the class is on different levels of knowing about technology. Also to add is the many ranges of age of my fellow classmates that plays a part in it as well. At times can cause stall moments in the classroom, especially when you are eager to learn or do the project versus being intimidated or afraid of it.

7) Would you change this course in any way?
I think I would like to add a project for creating your own website. Learning how to incorporate Microsoft Office Front Page, iTunes, blogs and whatever else to work together to create a website for the classroom or personal use.

8) Are you Technologically Literate at the moment? To what extent?
Before entering this class I would have considered myself technologically literate at a level between some and medium. After this class I would consider myself my level at good. I plan to really show my students the usage of positive learning with the Internet.

9) How will you maintain or improve your technological literacy between now and the time you graduate ….. to the time you start teaching?
The only way in my opinion to maintain or improve on my technological literacy is to continue using the technology, staying updated and being on the lookout for more technology toys to explore.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Lists

This is a picture of the word mistake with a eraser of a pencil scrolling across.

Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers make with Technology
Number four on the list is named- Thinking online communication is ever private.

This applies to practically ever public work force setting in my opinion. We can not be idiots to think that sending inappropriate emails at work will not become public. Facebook, Myspace and Twitter accounts should be taken more serious. Precisely why the idea of keeping personal life outside of the work place is a rule that stills holds value.

Number seven on the list is named- Thinking technology in schools will go away. As the rule says, it is stupid to think technology in education will go away.

Technology is here to stay. It is involved in banking, business and agriculture just to name a few. I can not stress how important it is that teachers not be afraid of technology. One of the jobs of a teacher is to prepare our students for tomorrow. Hey guess what? Technology is apart of tomorrow....

Seven Brilliant Things Teachers do with Technology

Rule number er three on the list is named- Making conferencing real-time
I feel I am on the path to becoming a technological literate teacher. Therefore, I can see myself having online grade books, blogs and even an iGoogle page for my students and parents to view. Being proactive about having my student's parents involved is very important to the student's overall success. Parents do need that extra push to know that they are wanted and needed.

Rule number seven is named- Delight in the discovery, the newness an the fun technology holds. Its not about technology; its about finding out and doing"cool" things. Brilliant tech-using teachers have never lost the thrill of doing something new and interesting with these electronic Tinker Toys.
I agree that we should delight in the discovery of technology. We all should be exploring how we can use technology in our lives. Yet we can still hold on to a sense of originality. We just have to find the balance and not be afraid of technology.

New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation

Rule number seven is named- Use polite speech when speaking,blogging, texting, twittering, instant messaging, etc..
All students need to be polite and respectful when communicating with others, regardless of the form of communication. Being polite increases the chance of the recipient being polite in their response. This is part of using the golden rule- treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Rule number eleven states that you should complete assignments neatly and on time and submit online or post to your blog or wiki, and share it with your followers on twitters.
Students must be held accountable for all work. Must learn to complete an assignment in a clean fashion and on time. This rule helps the student apply organization and
time management skills that will benefit him/her in any setting. It also holds the student responsible for making the assignment available for others to view.

At the Teachers Desk

This is a picture of a colorful teachers desk, with a apple on the desk.
The At the Teachers Desk blog seems be very resourceful. One of the members of this blog,Wm Chamberlain, we have had many assignments involving his works and thoughts. Some of the blogs posting I did take a interest to.

This blog is titled"Something That Matters, by Wm Chamberlain. In this post, is a picture of graffiti written on the wall. It says,"I wanna do something that matters". Mr. Chamberlain asks the question, "Is the drive for money the reason that keeps students from doing something that matters. I think this is a very,very good question we should ask ourselves and our peer (future)teachers as well.

Next, Tuesdays with Morrie/Teacher Movies, written by John Lamshed. The blogger writes that deep down we all as in teachers love a good teacher movie. Some suggestions are Dangerous Minds, The Ron Clark Story, To Sir with Love and Tuesdays with Morrie. Two of these movies listed, I have already watched before. They really are great inspirational stories of how hope and determination can eventually win out.

A third blog, Teachers 2.0 by Jarrod Lamshed, expresses the need for teachers to keep learning. I agree that teachers must be learning everyday. Must be willing to explore and investigate. Learning different strategies to help students learn better and feel confident about themselves. As the blogger states, its time to be voted off the island , if you think you have nothing more to learn in your teaching career after some of point of teaching.Other blogs that seem of good interset are Using skype to connect ESOL students with Foreign Language Students and Teachers need to become social networking experts.

This collaborative professional blog is really a good, fun, and resourceful idea to be available to teachers. This blog allows teachers to vent about the current issues facing education, issues going on with their own class and material that may be of use to others. The blog also gives an outlet for teachers to show what new features, gadgets and technology assignments/programs that are really making headway in their classes.

To view At the Teachers Desk, just click above on the name in the title section.

Toward A New Future of Whatever- Michael Wesch

This is picture of the earth with microphones reaching up to the globe, like in a press conference type of scenario. The heading reads Media Emgerging or changing

This assignment has my fellow classmates and I looking at a video by Michael Wesch. The video mostly is centered around media and the connections through how we are using it and the changes that have come. An example he give is how our conversations are mediated- through web cams, such as using you tube or skype. This has changed the way we speak and present our selves to others. We are not speaking directly in person and language(verbally)/body language can be transferred differently than how you act face to face.

Technology is great for use in so many ways. Yet, we have to be careful as future teachers and as individuals using this technology to not allow it to overtake us. Some things still work better when handled in person. We can't alllow technology to overtake us and replace the human feelings that can easily get lost.

I know personally, I am a fan of technology. I have just recently found out about skype. A free software that allows you to video chat with someone else. You can either make a Internet phone call or do a video chat. I am currently in the market for a web cam. I intend to mostly use this technology to communicate with family members far and near to me. I am not too comfortable with making a you tube video or posting of that kind. Yet I can say that for this class, for a group project, I had the pleasure of doing a podcast on the topic of Interesting Internet Sites for High School Teachers. This week it is now available for listening to on itunes. It was initially supposed to be videocast, but do to technical malfunctions it ended up being a podcast. For anyone interested in listening to it, you can subscribe to it on itunes. Yes, it is FREE!! It is under Alexis Taylor and Ashley Lambert Podcast. You probably would have to search under Dr. Strange's name or University of South Alabama to narrow down the search. Technology does has its up's and down's, but you have find the balance.

Why is it important for students to post their work to the Web?

This a picture showing the campus of Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University in Normal,Alabama. With the school's symbol on the left.

For this assignment, my fellow classmates are to tell why its important for students to post their work to the web. I really believe that technology has and will be a significant part of children's future. We need to learn about this technology and what better way than to learn in school. Students are assigned research projects, journal entries, in class activities- such as conflict resolution and teamwork. Why not have students work available on-line? This is another way for teachers to be held accountable for providing the materials and work needed to help the students learn. Reading the assignments on line can help the parents can gain quicker access to how and what their children are learning. Keeps them up to speed on the progress as well.

From this class, I have been introduced to blogs,podcast, videocast, iGoogle,and Google it self. These tools of communicating, I think have and will continue to be very valuable to me whether or not I teach. Which I think is a major benefit. Students can use blogs to gain feedback from other students and teachers around the world. Many students need to practice their writing skills. Writing is subject I think is slipping through the cracks compared to science and math subjects being emphasized on.

Podcast and Videocast also help students post their own work through audio and video technology. Students are able to formulate ideas and topics to be discuss, practice techniques of presentation and learn the logistics of working with audio and camera materials. Students can watch how others around the world respond to their work. This offers support through others giving positive and constructive criticism.

Also from this class, I am glad I was introduced to Sir Ken Robinson:The Importance of Creativity and Michael Wesch: A vision of students today video's and had the opportunity to write my opinion about them. Last but certainly no least, the Comment4kids(Mrs.Gorend's Classroom) assignment my fellow classmates and I have recently been assign, has indeed been rewarding to offer my feedback to students around the country on their friendly letter writing and other assignments.

Inspiring students to promote their work can help them in the long run in terms adding another asset to gaining acceptance into college. Just a thought!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Comment4Kids- Mrs.Goerend's Class

This is a picture of kids in a circle with letters on their shirts. Each student has a letter and together they spell kids corner.

For assignment, we had to write on a student's blog in Mrs.Goerend's Class. Students need all the positive feedback and encouragement as possible. Ms.Goerend's class is writing friendly letters this week. I had the pleasure of reading Kelli's letter about homecoming and the many activities that takes place. Kelli's letter was very descriptive and interesting. I told her I really like it and that the band marching in the hallway sounded neat as well.
It was a pleasure to read her blog and offer positive words.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Here is a picture of the Alabama State seal

Alex- Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex has tabs addressing courses of study, web links, lesson plans, personal workspace, professional learning and podcast treasury. With my major being Secondary Health Education, I selected that particular link an started with 7th grade. Up comes a list of different lessons an topics to be discussed along with web links and lesson plans for each listed standard. Very helpful for teachers just starting out by providing a list of topics needed to be covered in each grade level.The web link option has links for teacher sources, administrator and student links as well. For example, when I click Health/Physical Ed tab, a long list of links ranging from k-12 offering tools, games an varying information to help me get the Health issues across to my future students in a better and updated approaches. The Professional Learning tab offers websites to find professional development opportunities, teaching and learning tool such as, English Language Learners, and Library Media.

I feel grateful for this assignment for bringing this website to my knowledge. Just scanning through, you can easily see how very helpful this site is. Having web links, lesson plans and podcast all related to your subject area at one website is great. I think for future teachers and those recently starting out, this can really be a good guide to help understand and learn ways to present your lesson in a more organized and adaptive way. I recommend all future/current teachers to use this site as often as possible. This is an excellent tool to helping students and teachers reach their full achievement goals. Learning never stops!! No matter the age!!


This stands for Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide. The history of ACCESS was launched on November 1, 2004. According to ACCESS web page, its goal of the distance learning plan is to create equity through additional educational offerings for all Alabama public high school students.

Accomplishments in the implementation of ACCESS
• Increased enrollments to over 9,000 per year in 174 participating high schools.
• Increased courses available to more than 50 different courses including 5 different foreign languages and 10 different AP courses
• More than 100 teachers have been trained in e-learning course delivery.

The Future of ACCESS

• Provide a 21st century distance learning classroom for every Alabama high school (schools serving grades 9 – 12).

• Have the capacity to serve 45,000 enrollments.

For more information here are the links for both

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Comment4kids Valley Wood Tech Class

This is picture of a group of kids circle around each other.

This is another comment4kids post. For this week, my assignment is with the Valley Wood Tech Class.I have started to really enjoy this comment4kids program. I think is a great way to my fellow classmates enhance their blog/comments techniques while giving a kid good feedback and encouragement on his/her blog. If any one would like to comment or just view some the kids blogs, here is the link Valley Wood Tech. This time the student, Merred, blog was about Mario and Luigi new game that was just released. I told him how I remember playing SuperMario games when I was younger. I also said that the SuperMario game will probably be the best game I ever play.I ask Merred to continue to bring his audience the newly updates of Mario and Luigi and future games/software.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Father's Guidance in Exploration with Technology lending a Helping Hand!!

This is a picture of a little boy with a magnify glass holder outside exploring the grass and whats below.

Jabiz Qatar is a father who is helping his daughter explore nature with the help of technology. Its amazing how reading a book, an article or listening to a song can inspire someone to do good. To have happy and carefree feelings. Even though I am not a parent, I do applaud Mr. Qatar for introducing his daughter to ask questions and explore the positives of nature. I do think its scary that posting a picture and some quotes from your daughter can be turned into a video created by a someone you don't know.

Also, I sincerely hope that her teachers will be technological literate and will be able to continue helping her on this journey. I do agree that if we want our future students to feel comfortable and be cautious online, you must do the same with your own child or loved ones.

I liked the idea that this young girl is being taught that sometimes if we look at things, even if they are discarded and ugly, they can be beautiful, if we look at them right. I think it was really nice of Mr. Chamberlain to surprise Mr. Jabiz Qatar with a voice thread of his daughter. Being that Kaia is very young and can not read right now, this is even better than just making a video or audio of his students responses. This shows how helpful technology can be and how we can be connected with others around the world. Kaia's seems to be very smart and caring young girl that is looking for the good in everything she explores.
Feel free to check out the links below. They all are related to Kaia and her father.

Dear Kaia: Voicethread and Video

Dear Kaia

Intrepid Teacher: Singing Hearts

Monday, October 19, 2009

Personal Learning Network

This is a picture of the planet earth with stick figure people holding hands surround the picture of earth. The stick figure people are in different colors.

What a difference it could make having PLN ?

This assignment required us to create a Personal Learning Network.This is basically how we could communicate with others world wide through blogs, facebook, twitter, and others networking outlets. You are learning new ideas, techniques, gaining other people's viewpoint on important topics to you. Follow people on their blogs, facebook and etc.. that talk about the similar topics of interest to you and then ask question and simply keep digging and digging.I am interested in variety of topics. Therefore, not everyone below comments would be on the same topics or discussion. As Dr.Strange would say in his handout, "we are lot like detectives".

On twitter, I am following Kelly Hines and decided to check out her website.Kelly Hines is a 4th grade teacher in Washington,North Carolina. She provides staff development for teachers. She has a website Two of Kelly's top blogs are relating to 10 reasons she loves teaching and if no textbooks, then what? I came across a blog Kelly wrote talking about how PLN is redefined. I was gee, this what my assignment is about. She goes on to say how she was thrilled to find other educators who thrived on conversations related to technology,teaching and learning.She firmly believes every one should have PLN. I ended up commenting on her and told her I was new to the PLN club and I feel that PLN is a good tool for helping teachers to be better.The name of Kelly Hines website is Keeping Kids First. If you would like to visit, just click on the name of the site.

Through my connection on twitter, I have the opportunity to look at interesting topics or ideas that William Chamberlain posts. I was able to ask him the question of How important do you think parents knowledge of technology affects their child's learning ability about technology? His response is that parents knowledge is helpful when they share that knowledge with their child. I don't think its necessary,though. He also say,"I think it is probably about access at home to computer's and how the students use them that really makes a difference. I thanked Mr. Chamberlain for answering my question.

Through my connection Facebook, I asked Kecia Lambert, a Teaching Aid Assistant who is pursuing her master's degree in Elementary Education, How do you feel technology should be implemented in the classroom? She responded saying, technology plays an important role in the student learning in the classroom today. Implementing technology in the classroom will help students acquire the skills they need to survive in a complex, highly technological knowledge setting. Technology changes the way teachers teach, to reach different types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means. When it is effectively integrated into all subject areas, teachers grow into roles of advisor, content expert, and coach. I thanked Ms. Lambert for her taking the time to respond to my question.

On my EDM 310 Blog,my personal learning network person is Vicki A.Davis. We are also folowing each other on twitter. Vicki A. Davis is en educator in Camilla Georgia. She is a Tech Learning blogger and hasco-authored project such as the Flat Classroom Project and Digiteen Project. In my class we had an earlier assignment which entailed watching a video titled Harness Your Student's Digital Smartsby Vicki A.Davis. We also had to write on Ms. Davis' Blog letting her know I watched the video and that my thoughts would be publish on my blog. Ms. Davis wrote a comment on my blog about my comments about her video and has been following my EDM310every since then. I was surprised to see that she a interest in my blog enough to write a comment. She thanked me for sharing my thoughts about what she was doing in her class. She also mention a piece from blog post saying that she thought what mentioned in my last paragraph is very important.
"We must adapt the curriculum in a way that leads to an investigation of the mind to learn and not just using a test on paper with a pencil."
After reading my blog, Ms. Davis says she was inspired by my comment about her blog post and told me she was going write a blog post about me. You can read her blog post about me at her website Cool Cat Teacher .

Through my connection on Facebook, I asked Shanel Pruitt, a Grad student at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia,who is pursuing her Master's in Public Health. I asked her how important do you think parents knowledge of technology affects their child's learning ability about technology? Ms. Pruitt says that many parents are technologically challenged. they do not know the first thing about operating a computer, cell phone, or any other device. However, just because they don't know doesn't mean that their child doesn't know. Children learn a lot of their skills at school, either through a class or their peers. If a parent knows about the technology than they will most likely share it with their child and help to further develop their knowledge. I told Ms. Pruitt that she made some really good points. Everyone perspective is different.

Through my connection on Facebook, I asked Ms. Nikita Kelly how do you feel technology should be implemented in the classroom? Ms. Kelly is one the millions Americans currently unemployed and yet is still fiercely determined to come out of the other side a winner of this economy. Ms. Kelly seems to be a very opinionated person and I felt like she would be someone to have in my Personal Learning Network. In my opinion, you have to be diverse and open to a different range of people who also have different backgrounds and viewpoints from yours. So, Ms. Kelly says that a lot of family's do not have access to computer at home. Technology in the classroom is important because children should be able to learn the basic skills of how a computer is operated. Starting in elementary school, at least one computer should be in a classroom where children may have access & be able to research information. Having a computer or any kind of technology is asking a lot from a schools budget, especially in the urban communities. If instructors/teacher have access to one form of computer equipment in the classroom to individually show a student the basics of a computer literacy. Also, using a projection screen to show the whole classroom the procedure. I definitely appreciate Ms.Kelly's opinion and will continue to ask questions and watch out for her post and links.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Comments 4 Kids!!! Mr. Goerend's Classroom

This is a animated picture of teacher and her students going over math lessons.

For this project, I had to participate in Comment4Kids by posting at least 5 comments on blog sites of kids throughout the world. For my class, we were assigned to Mr. Goerend's Classroom. Therefore, below is five of the student's blogs I selected and a very brief summary of what the students blogs were about. All of the student's blogs were very interesting and with great descriptive story telling. Every one did a great job!!

How embarrassment turned into an international holiday was my first post by a student. This student talked about how a guy who dyed his hair and how it did not turn out so well. The next day the guy was sprinting and his hat fell off. of course he was embarrassed and his friend decided to call this day, International Sprint Like a Cheeta Day. His friend did his best to dispel lessen the embarrassment. I think this was a nice short story of how friends help each other out.

For Ashley's blog post,International Act Like a Monkey Day was very interesting and imaginative. Her blog was about a group of friends watching a movie and once it was over, one friend started acting like a monkey. So they went outside and decided to get the neighborhood involved with monkey ways. This is how International Act like a Monkey day was established.I told Ashley to keep up the good work.

For Mason's blog post, The Waukee White Ravens was very likable and interesting. His blog post was the great plays of football game and the different ways the main person in the story helped the team win the game. He goes step by step, listing his the different pieces of his uniform and having pride in his leading of the warm up stretches before the game. I told him to coming with the game details and keep up the good work.

For Zach's blog post, The Waukee Ankney Game was about what's its like to be a fan watching the excitement of the Ankney Hawks win the game. I told Zach that his story was very descriptive and he should always proofread his work.

For Sara's blog post, she talked about the battle scene from Harry Potter's The Deathly Hallows. I told her I am fan of Harry Potter yet, I do not read the books. I also said her good sneak peeks into the book has encouraged me to take a second glance at reading the book.

For anyone who would like to take a look at Mr. Goerend's Classroom Blog, here is the link
Mr. Goerend's Classroom

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Media Literacies

This is a picture of a hand held chalkboard with the words, Lesson 1 written on it.

The new media literacy's is a set of skills we as individuals and collectively as a group of people need to function today, versus may be not so twenty years ago.Children are now considered consumer and future developer of media literacy's. Yes, I do think visualization, multitasking, judgement and collective intelligence are needed to better equip individuals today in the media world. Such as mention in the video, if you are doing a research project and you need to make a judgement call as to rather or not some material is reliable or not. Also ask other students and use your PLN to collect intelligence about sites you should stay away from. I think these are some of the skills needed but not all needed to be artists, citizens and workers of the 21st Century.

Our culture of this media environment is changing every week, so we need to catch up and be tune in as much as possible. Of the skills listed, I think a about four of them, I currently possess. The skills specifically, I think I possess are judgement, multitasking, collective intelligence and maybe performance. I think growing up with a computer in the home and having a parent that was technologically literate allowed me to experiment with these skills at a much younger age and enhance these skills as I went on. I have become enthralled with making videos and slide shows for my family which mostly includes taking and using old pictures and videoing at special functions. I would not mind doing a project that included the color images displayed in this video. I just think it would be cool and neat to do such a video as this was. That's the thing about technology and media literacy's, you can not be afraid to learn and explore them. You have to be open minded and know you are going to make some mistakes along the way.

New Media Literacies by NML Staff

The Networked Student by: Wendy Drexler

A drawing of the words Lets Network.

This video was packed with valuable information about establishing and maintaining a Personal Learning Network(PLN). I think this is another tool used for online learning classes. Just another way to establish without the teacher being present in a classroom and lecturing. This way the student is actually really searching to find the information and dissecting it along the way as he collects.

This was a short and likable video to present this information to us from. The student used the guidance of a teacher to help formulate a curriculum. this student revolved around searching for everything on the Internet. Through PLN, the student made connections with other individuals who had thoughts on his topic and he was able to have a discussion with them through writing on their blogs and so forth.

I am not quite sure, If I am ready to be a networked student. I am so used to having that student-teacher relationship face to face. I think listening and creating podcast would be a good avenue for the student to use in his PLN. Of course using blogging, twitter and facebook also would be beneficial for staying connected for socially and educational purposes as well.

The Networked Student

Richard Miller's This Is How We Dream

This is a picture of an astronaut in space standing on the moon. At the bottom of the picture,it says

At first, I really was not able to follow his talk. The video definitely could have been better and also little more personal by showing his face instead of just hearing his voice. I think Multimedia is fascinating and important in helping students grow and learn. Reading and writing are still important for students to develop the fundamentals of learning effectively. Even though I am fascinated by Multimedia, I do not think educators or parents should ease up on the importance of reading and writing. I think many of us, not purposely have made reading boring, and least relevant based on educators and parents would only enforce reading through a book in a child's face just for academic reasoning, such as for standardized testing.
Reading takes you places that makes dreams exciting, adventurous and even scary at times. Learning to properly place your thoughts in an organized fashion is essential with and without this fast paced technology we face each and every day.
At this point, I do not necessary consider myself prepared to write multimedia. Yet, I will do my best to research and take necessary workshops/classes to prepare myself and introduce it to my students to it as well.

For Richard Miller says"we live in a time that has communication at the speed of a bullet going on every hour around the world. to better prepare our students, stems back to whether or no teachers want to be technologically literate or just stay illiterate. If we as educators are not willing to learn, then we are doing an injustice to our students. Multimedia is something that will need a lot of support from educators and students, yet we all must work together.

Richard Miller's This Is How We Dream

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Duke University and Allison Papke's use of ipods in the classroom

This a picture of a black student holding an ipod in for usage with his studies.

This assignment asked us to look for web suggestions or experiences in using iPods in instruction. I first, searched out Duke University's growth in classroom using the iPods, which was a hint given to us to start out with. According to the article, Duke expects 1,200 students to use iPods to enhance classroom materials, lectures or assignments back in 2006. I was very surprised to read that in 2004,Duke distributed free iPods to all first year students for the current academic year and modified it to provide the iPods to undergraduate taking classes that required use of the device. Duke University has said that is goal is to integrate technology broadly into the teaching and learning process. An example, from an economics professor uses the audio component to record her lectures, which students can access and review on their computers or iPods. The instructor calls the iPod "an accessory to the learning process".

My second look at iPods in the class takes from an article about Allison Papke a student in her level 3 practicum stage.The project was based to show how iPods can be used to create an individualized testing experience for students. Papke's says the inspiration for her project was the innovative work done by educators at Louisa-Muscatine Elementary in Letts, Iowa. Basically she put test questions on the iPod and had a voice interaction that would read the questions to the students as many times as needed. This limited the need for pulling the students out of the classroom and allowed them to take the test along with their classmates. Oh, I forgot to mention that this a Special Education student that found a way to make education more enjoyable for special education children without that since of abandonment of being pulled out of the classroom. I think this student came up with a really neat and technological idea to help out her students. This is indeed one the benefits of using iPods and technology in the classroom to help our future students to solve the future problems of tomorrow.

COEDU Spotlight

Friday, October 2, 2009

iTunes University

This is a picture of the itunes store main screen.

What is iTunes University purpose? It offers its users the advantage of listening, downloading to the computer and a mobile device. This advantage could be useful in the classroom by the use of science lab demos or the carrying out of an experiment.Now gaining access and listening to some podcast available is free to all. Just simply go the link, and download the software.Such universities listed that use iTunes U are Oxford University, Harvard Extension School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Okay, with iTunes U, you could use podcasting or videocasting for viewing or listening to the news, researching topics for class and even conducting an interview.

iTunes U also a range of information that comes from famous museums, universities and other historical and influential organizations around the world. As a student, I use iTunes to listen to different podcast related to helping me understand podcasting, videocasting, and search for audio links about topics discussed in class. Now for the future teacher in me that is yet to come, I can use podcasting for making assignments and helping students that are unable to attend the classrooms a way to still hear my voice and get the daily assignments just like he/she was in the classroom.This just another one of those really technology resources that can help students and teachers bring learning and interest to a higher level for all

iTunesU University

Google Earth - Christie Alice

This is a picture of the words Google Earth in colored coded.

The Google Earth tour was pretty amazing. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words. I encouraged all to check out Dr. Christe's Google Earth tour. A view of the top of St.Petersburg Rome was beautiful. Touring amazing places around the world is definitely a experience we all should take, especially bringing the joy to students in the classroom. Their are a few levels of Google Earth in regards to how much it cost. The first level-Google Earth is a free version, Google Earth Plus cos 20 dollars annually and Google Earth Pro which for commercial use, costs 400 dollars annually as well.

Reading Dr. Christie's site, she says that using google earth in the classroom will open students interest in exploring the world,help visualize and share what they have learned with others and also help enhance map reading and navigation skills.The site also can help the students become creative in how to help the earth's natural resources from being evaporated. Also exposing the students to different environments and visualizing the harmful affects of choices we as a people make, that are not good for our planet.The Google Earth basically could be a good tool for promoting tips and affects of going green and making better decisions.The Google Earth site offers tutorials for teachers and students and a discovery channel link with Google Earth.I really feel this site could offer the students a visual to the phrase many of use, "its whole new world out their waiting to be explore". As we know, keeping students attention and interest is really hard to maintain and Google Earth enhance in succeeding at that, while also being educational developmental for the students.

Dr. Alice Christie

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"What I've learned this year" by Mr. McClung

This a picture of glasses and a red apple

Well, I can't imagine how my first year of teaching will be. Yet, I can say I will probably be really anxious and overwhelmed for the first couple of weeks. Even though I will also be young and inexperienced as well, I can learn with my students and vice verse for them. In my education for a diverse society class, I get the feeling of how easy it would be to be so focused on the lesson and yet not making the information focus on the students. I think Mr. Clung was right on his assessment that teachers need to be flexible, have good communication skills and not to be afraid of technology. Things are hardly ever going to go as planned in a classroom and you have to be prepared to suck it up and move on with a smile on your face. Students are observant of their teachers and can detect unpleasantness within the scheduling of work assignment and other things as well affecting the teacher.

I am glad Mr. McClung talk about not being afraid of technology. He equated that grown adults everywhere are afraid of computers like its a bad horror film and computers are trying to take over the world. I like his philosophy on the matter, yet I tend to think its more of the older adults that are afraid to learn and implement technology into their classrooms. We as future educators can forget what's its like to be student and the teacher is not listening to you. Most of all know how that feels and the hurt it can potentially cause. I agree with Mr.McClung that we will never stop learning in life no what your profession may be.

What I've learned this Year

NPR Wickipedia and Virgil Griffith Story

This is picture of Virgil Griffithn.

WOW. Wickipedia is not a reliable source. I have been using Wickipedia every since the beginning of 2004. This brings so many concerns from all of my previous research assignment I have used this source with. Why would someone come up with a something like this and name it an enclyopedia.I applaude Virgil Griffith for building a search tool that traces IP addresses of those who make Wickipedia changes. Frankly, I think only the site's administrator should be allowed to edit any information. This makes Wikipedia completely unreliable. Until doing this assignment, I probably might have never known about how unsafe and totally useless Wikipedia is. I am glad that Mr. Griffith has at least help with tracking those that aim to cause confusion or harm in terms of deleting or adding false information on the site.I encourage everyone to check out NPR blog on Wickipedia and this article about Mr. Virgil Griffith's search tool.This is a valuable lesson in how we as student and educators should more thorough with our research sites on the Internet.

NPR blog on Wickipedia


Monday, September 21, 2009

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

This is a picture of Randy Pausch and his family. He lost his life to pancreatic cancer.

Rand Pausch's Last Lecture talks about his childhood dreams, enabling dreams of others and lessons he has learned. My Pausch 10 tumors in his liver and has three to six months to live. Yet, he is living life to the fullest and still wants to enjoy life in a positive manner. He mentions that he is healthy and know one should pity him in any way. Pausch's mentioned that when your critics stop telling you are doing something wrong, that's when you are in a bad place. Your critics are those that really care about. He also said that one of the things being a instructor is you really need to have enthusiasm.The brick walls are their to show how badly you want something and its also for those who do not want it as badly as you do. This is for those times when you try really hard for something and yet it stills does not work out. Also he said that as instructors, you should always raise the bar for your teachers. Students at times tend to get too complacent with their current work and will always need a challenge.

One of the best gifts you can give someone is the gift of making them feel good. I think we as young adults do not quite grasp how wonderful and special that truly is to make some one else feel good about themselves. Another things is that when you pioneer something, be prepared for arrows to be throw in your back. Everything that will go wrong will but at the end of the road, it will all be worth it. Pausch said that one of the best gift an educator can give is to get someone to be self reflective. He mentioned some lessons learned; helping others, focus on others and not yourself and never lose the child-like wonder. I truly believe he is an example of those special individuals that when you really are faced with hard challenges, that's when you are at your best and the light will never go out.

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Karl Fisch: Is it okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher?

This is a picture of a green laptop with pink and green desings.

Well, I must say at first, I was thinking where is he going to go with this. Yet as he mention how he read another person blog about the a similar topic and having had a frustrated day,I understand where he is coming from. I can honestly say that one of my parents still does not know about email accounts and the general functions of computer such as using Microsoft PowerPoint. My parent barely knows how to even turn on my laptop whenever I go home. I really have to agree that it is unacceptable for educators and society in general for people not to know how use the basics of technology. Really how we as future educators supposed to be effective in teaching students without implementing technology with it. Seriously, we all learn by DOING. I n the long run, it would much more effective if the teacher was actually interested in learning about PowerPoint presentations, ipods and videocast while also introducing the technology to the students. This way both parties will be learning and working together.

I can remember how math is the essential, oh its okay that you don't math. I remember having those same thoughts back in middle and part of high school. Math is one of those subjects for some students that can be intimidating. Educators who refuse to get involve in the technology wave are simply preventing students to be prepared for this wave of technology that is coming. You can not simply keep just sliding by in life. You have to work at everything- that's important to you. No college, job interview, on job training skill session and social networking does not involve technology. Illiterate teachers who refuse to learn technology and teach there students about are simply leading their students to be slithered by technological advances that have ye to be even put on the market. Yet we all have to work at it, just like learning how to read and creating a facebook/ twitter accounts. Its a work in progress and educators need to engage in this learning experience.

Karl Hines

Check out my Class Blog Topics Gadget- Right side of my page For any links pertaining to my posted topics.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Its Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines

This is a picture of black and white version of a teacher writing on a chalk board back iin the early fifies.

This by far, I would have to say is the third best blog assignment I have had since enrolling in this class. Ms. Hines put a different outlook as many people around me have been saying that we need embrace technology and bring head strong into the class room. I agree that educators must be teachers as well as learners. We all learn, teach and express ourselves differently. Therefore we must continue to have a passion for learning,even though most teachers go into a specialized of education. Teachers must continue to not let up and enforce the different frameworks that makes student do critical thinking and basically figure things out for themselves. This will help students out in the long run, just like Kelly Hines said. I also like the fact that Hines pointed out that most teachers with computers in their rooms only know how utilize them with games and word processors activities.

Yet, teachers are saying they want or need labtops, ipods and more digital video equipment. I think comments about we need to develop new ways of teaching the information to the students. If the student is not understanding/comprehending the information then no matter how times we go over the lesson, the teachers has not done all he or she can. I can remember back in high school, how one of my teachers would introduce a new lesson on Monday and by Wednesday if you have not understood then he was moving on and it was up too you to seek out help. Whats the point of schools buying the different updated material of technology if the instructor is not going to be willing to learn how operate it properly and then actually use it in the classroom.. Many teachers want the technology yet they do not want to take the extra time to attend seminars of such to help better learn of the use of the technology.

Ms. Hines Post Check out my Links List Gadget- Right side of my page

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Michael Wesch: A vision of students today

This is a picture of a classroom with black and whtie students with laptops on their desk.

My reaction to this video is a little bit of wow, I actually do spend than amount of time on facebook. some of the topics shown do or have depicted part of my college experience. Every time I enroll for a new class, I think how much will I learn and need for the real world. I don't even want to think let alone write down how much in debt I will be when I finish school. Its pretty much in your face when there are over a billion people making less than two dollars a day and yet I have laptop, ipod, cell phone and gadgets that the price of these would cover their expenses for a year or so. At times I have felt, why am I here, I should actually be out in the field, experiencing the concepts and applying them. This is we would really see the benefits of what we studied.
We as students spend on average doing majority of out class work and leisure time using technology of some kind. Technology as shown in the video, that is supposed to save us. I think technology can only take you so far. You will still have to rely on your self. To make the video more related to my experience, I could add more diverse students to be depicted. Give more statistics on what students experience outside of the classroom that does play an effect on their studies. From a video producer point of view, I would have less movement of the camera and better zoom footage in some areas.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Plagiarism and Copyright Rules/Regulations

What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is borrowing, stealing, paying someone to write a paper,and copyin large parts of section. These are most commons types we as students know about. Common knowledge material does not need to be cited, yet if you are unsure about the material then it would be best to go ahead and cite the informaition. There are some practices that we as students should enhance our skills upon. Such as updating our techniques on direct quotations, note taking, writing summaries, revising and profreading a paper.(Purdue Owl) I really feel that if we as students upgrade some of our techniques list above, then it would seriously count down the chances of committing plagiarism.Basically to avoid plagiarsim you need to cite all words and ideas that did not come from you.

Copyright is a form of protection provided by laws from the is United States(title 17US code) for authors. It is illegal for anyone to violate any copyright law provided by the owner. Copyright protection is held for any original work created after January 1978. Titles, names, and slogans are just a few of the items listed that are not protected by copyright.( The symbol with the letter "C" in a circle, or the word copyright usually indicated that a particular works is under copyright protection. The 1976 copyright act gives the original author the right to tell how it will or will not its work to be published. At the beginning of a book, many will say that non of the material may be used in way without expressed written consent from the author. If would like more clarification about copyright rules and regulations, then here is the website

Various tools used for web browsing

This is a picture of finger reading braille

Mr. Stephen Sullivan (lets tech talk presentation)
I had no idea that there were so many enhance adaptive software for people with low vision and blindness.There is also voice recognition for those who can not use their hands, such as some one who is quadriplegic. There is even screen reader software that reads the screen and provides navigational instruction through speech. Sullivan's Principle of Adaptive Technology has seven principle's that educators and others assisting with the disable in any way should take a closer look at these.Some user agents for the disable are portable data assistants,alternative web browser and refreshable braille display. All of these software, agents and Sullivan's principles have help to make information through the internet for the disable more ABLE for them. They can see and hear what we see. Its another way of how technology has helped so many individuals have a little bit of normalcy in their lives.

WEB accessibility
There are browsers that are developed specifically for people with disabilities. To name a few,BrookesTalk, EAID,and Marco Polo help the disable individuals with touch screen interaction,speech and auditory icons. There are even web browsers used for general use but can also be used to give enhanced accessibility with particular adaptive systems to be used for some one with special needs. LYNX and Netscape Navigator are two of the web browsers are used for general use that you may have heard of. Last but certainly not the least there are voice browsers such as Conversa Web, which is voice-activated browser allowing spoken selection of links using "saycons".

Producing a Podcast / Benefits of having Podcasting in the Classroom

Producing a Podcast
This post was more on the technical aspect of podcasting. Initializing more whether or not there was interest and enthusiasm in the students voices. Was learning and pride there as well. This post was experimenting with the different types of recordings would work best with different age groups. Such as scripted recordings, unscripted recordings,individual recording and portable mp3 recorder just to name a few. This post also showed that there is a lot that goes into making a successful podcast. You have to come up with theme,prepare the students, sound equipment and transitions. This is a minimal look at the different strategy's that goes into place.

Benefits of having podcasting in the classroom
This video was very helpful in showing the positive of having podcast in the classroom. One effective way is if a student is sick and has an test coming up and can't go to school, then the teacher could upload the study guide to iTunes to listen to. Also, I think in history class,things for students could be at times a little boring. A teacher could assign certain history events that took place and have the students interact the events via podcast and then allow to be played for the class.This way the students are engaging in new technology and being interested in an event that will be memorable and learning at the same time. Also through the use of podcast and videocast parents can see what their children are involved in.


This is a picture of hand holding a sliver nano ipod. The screen of the ipod lists some of the features that are available on a ipod.

Podcast from previous students

This podcast had a lot of movement going in the background. The microphone was picking up different volume levels. The students lack any excitement about the use of iTunes. I could really tell they were reading exactly off paper and not initializing any conversation dialogue to be generated through listening. The students also were breathing too close to the microphone. I would have definitely practice a lot with my group and use note cards instead of having large sheets of paper around. I would have been more up beat about my subject in order to gain a real interest in my podcast for others.
I think it would also be best to not use words such "um" and others when talking. We could offer links to get further information from our topic. My group also could pick a suitable person with a good personality that would like to take the lead. The would ensure that everyone had an equal or size able time to talk as well. Basically,we would need to have practiced and try not to be so nervous. These suggestions I think will really help out when its my turn to create a podcast/videocast.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Podcast !!!

Connect Learning- David Warlick( A conversation with Clarence Fisher)

This podcast takes place in a Italian restaurant. Mr.Warlick asks Mr. Fisher about telling his story. His story of being a middle school teacher bringing podcast and other technology gadgets to the classroom. Mr. Fisher says that this helps kids see whats really out there in the world through this new technology catches their attention. In the future, Mr. Fisher is looking towards the educations system being able to customize the experience for the students. He also goes on to say that allowing kids to you use laptops, ipods, podcast and etc. in the classroom setting is giving kids control over their learning experiences and goals in a more control environment of education.

Ed Tech Talk( Teachers teaching Teachers)and Kidcast: Learning and Teaching with Podcast

Ed Tech talk episode is sound advice for implementing digital library and how younger kids as 4th graders are really good age to start. This session talks the idea behind creating a digital library is that it is very broad media feature. This library goal was to make library entries fun and like able to the point you would like to replicate it.
The Kidcast program will give thoughts on video podcast and steps to starting off on a good footing. Video podcast is syndicated media and it is not that different from audio podcast. It is not a higher level or upgrade of audio podcast. For some panels,choosing audio podcast is the best choice. That's not to say those are not equipped to use video podcast. Such as a audio podcast would be suit a panel of commuters. If you are talking about something very complex and use illustrations, then you would use video podcast.
This program really gives good advice for people that are new to podcast. For future reference,you do not have to have your video podcast start looking as professional such CBS news. Yet over time quality of research, sound, lighting and etc. will all improve. Letting security questions devolve the product. IT is up to the teachers to explain to the students what type of information is appropriate. Most teacher must remain the gate keeper of safety.

Smartboard Lessons- Teachers Connecting Podcast and Mac Break Weekly

At the beginning of this podcast, one of the co-host announces that for the first time the two hosts are in two different areas while making this podcast. This podcast gives information on ideas for teachers to close the school year out. Such different learning techniques that can be applied towards your students interests. It also provides lives for all teachers , such as math links, that show kids how to do math and it also gains their attention. Basically Mac Break Weekly covers all things Macintosh. They discuss the latest software, how use it and wheter or not its functional. Also they ask questions about certain media files with apple, in terms of what you can and can't do using apple.

This Week in Photography

First the group talks about the new strap that attaches to your camera. One guy mention he is definitely planing to buy it once the podcast was over. One concern is that it may be little hard to take off hand. Some one described it as a bowling grip strap,and another said it might not be so good in hot and humid conditions. The panel goes on to mention that their are rumors or speculation of a new canon seven D.Next topic is about you do not have to be brand loyal. For instance if you have been recently purchasing canon products and Sony came out with a great body and zoom updates, then you should get the Sony.This panel gives out all the latest updates for all types of camera.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Next Generation Learning

This kid was pretty good at advertising the many great functions technology has to offer the education system. The video showed how implementing technology at a younger age benefits the child greatly. For starters, creating a website that kids can access to assignments and homework from where ever they may be. Plus parents get the extra bonus of being in contact with the teachers with out always having to do a face to face meeting. The parents can log-on and see what subject their child is studying for the week along with the progress reports of their child. Also as the video excluded that our parents grew up with dusty chalky boards that made a screeching sound when being applied. Learning seemed dull, boring with little room for imagination.Children of today get this aura of Lights, Camera and Action taking place within the walls of a school. Public Schools in the United States should be taking a page out of the Handbook from this school. Using technology at this young age, gives the imagination of a kid another realm to be explored. The implementation of the the Wi game in school is a neat addition. The WI examines your reflexes, speed and flexibility just to name a few. The really is a cool feature that can be used with just about all subject areas of a curriculum. Recently, the wi program has introduced a new WI Fitness program. This program perhaps could be brought into the schools for physical and health classes.

Did You Know? 3.0

The answer to that question is, a gigantic no.To know that India and China are producing numbers off the charts in terms of population, honor kids and even the number of babies born in fives minutes all exceeds America. To my understanding, I thought myspace has just recently began in the past three years or so, and yet it has 200 million registered users today.With the way the economy is now, I see how they were able to project that by the age of 38 a person will have had between 10-14 jobs. Everything keeps changing and evolving quickly into a new area to the point of job positions we have not even heard of will be among us soon and those jobs will be in very high demand. With our wave of communication over the past 50 yrs or so, it took radio 38 yrs to reach a market of 50 million versus an ipod it only took 2 years. This is a in your face count of how far we really have come.
Back in the early nineties Internet was something brand new,especially to families,a new world and every one was experiencing it. Yet today Internet is everywhere from homes,work,schools and cell phones. Internet has rapidly changed all of us dramatically. Especially in the school system of the world, such as now the Internet is basically a large part of the curriculum . For instance, this class I am taking now, EDM 310 Microcomputing, almost every aspect is online. Such as making blogs and learning how to create podcasts, videos and other forms of presentation skills to the world and uploading them to the blogs. It is a necessity for all educators to work and operate a computer from using word documents, power point and the audio and visual aids techniques from online that help relate substance of a particular subject in a better and more willingness to learn atmosphere. I think that students learn and retain information/knowledge much better if their is a hands on activity. Therefore they take the knowledge and instruction about a subject and then they use that information to apply it, to really gain this is how it works.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

WOW!! Vicki Davis has done a tremendous job. It was cool to witness that type of technology and teaching taking place in just a rural area. Which I hope will give inspiration to all students and teachers to know that you do not allow your environment to dictate the hopes, dreams and wonderful experiences you can have in your life. I especially loved when she said, "you do not have to know everything in order to teach it". I think that says a lot, that we as future teachers should not try to override our brains with all the information. For we learn each and every day and in that process it makes it worth teaching when you can learn with your students. It gives them the example that you never truly stop learning, no matter what you profession may be.
The idea of learning through technology like this, I think is brilliant. What do all kids over the world know about? Computers. For the past two decades these students have grown up with either a computer at home or at least access to one in the schools and libraries. Children are fascinated with technology, for it gives the sense of urgings to learn all they possibly can about it. I personally grew up with a computer at home and every day I most definitely was learning all about email accounts and instant messaging. I thought it was so cool that I could write a letter or have a conversation with someone and they would receive it within in minutes, all through the use of technology. Technology is indeed the wave of the future and we as future educators need to know we must learn our students and adapt the curriculum in a way that leads to a investigation of the mind to learn and not just using a test on paper with a pencil. We all indeed learn differently, which makes each and every one of us truly special.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson was very entertaining and made interesting insights about creativity in the school system. Watching Sir Robinson gives this humorous and insightful view points on how kids have a thirst for things they like or love do. How we as adults try and control what areas of the curriculum kids should focus more of their learning experiences on. I can remember back in preschool and elementary days how they were small areas of designated time for the arts. Just to have the ability to simply create, whether you would be thinking about drawing building, dancing or even how to make school a more interesting and productive place that kids would want to come, would be a huge asset to that child's well being in the future. A few of Sir Ken Robinson's key points include, all kids have tremendous talent, kids will chances and the story of Gillan Lynne.
As Sir Robinson said, all kids have tremendous talent. Which is true and that creativity is of the up most importance in developing a child. I can honestly say that I do not really know what my talent or even purpose is here on earth. For me, its really hard to distinguish between what my capabilities could lead toward having a talent and based upon others as to what talent really is. One reminder that Sir Robinson said that was indeed ringing true, is that kids will take chances and that they are not afraid to be wrong. As kids grow older and experience the punishment of being wrong in the school system, such as kids laughing at you or being reprimand by a authority figure for not get a question correct, seriously plays an effect on that child's function later as an adult. We as adults, even college students have big hesitation to answering a question not right. How are we really to supposed to grasp the lessons in life if we never make mistakes and know that making those mistakes does not mean that I am not smart, talented or even just a good person.
The story of Gillan Lynne is very moving in the aspect of how we as a society want to fix everything and in her case, just because she was not excelling in math and science areas, could not pay attention for long and was fidgeting a lot in school meant in the eyes of her school that she must have a learning disability or in today we call it ADD. After being taken to a doctor, it turns out that "she moved to music"(Sir Robinson). That music helped her to think and there simply was not anything wrong with Gillan Lynne except she liked to dance.
Future educators of tomorrow should definitely look more at whether or not we are truly trying to develop a childs' creativity and talent for the better or just developing a child to be able to get job/career one day?

All About Me

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ashley Lambert and I am currently a senior transfer student. I bring greetings from the one of the best Historical Black Colleges in the nation- Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University(Normal AL), a.k.a The HILL. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, minor in Chemistry. So far, the greeting from South Alabama has been very inviting and engertic. I am looking forward to the next couple of years in regards to making new network connections and furthering my education. Personally about me, I am 23 years old, I come from a big family and my hometown is Fort Deposit (Lowndes County) AL. I am looking forward to expanding my horizon into the health care field which brings me here to Univ. of South Alabama.

Therefore one of my goals here at University of South Alabama is explore and to be very engeritc about pursuing a degree in Health Education. The Health Care Field is changing even as I write this blog, if you would just listen to the news or READ a newspaper, the turn around is very eye catching. I want to be able to help individuals learn how to better take care of themselves such as expanding their knowledge of proper hygiene, prevention of pregnacy and sexual transmitted disease and learning how to properly fix a meal. I am currently a young african american female that is overweight and is in need of a serious nutrition shake up. Being vulernable to the many health risks such as diabeties and hypertension is no laughing matter. I want to be able to TALK THE TALK and WALK THE WALK when I am telling others how important it is to change their eating habits and to know the ends and outs of protecting themselves from pregnacy and sexual transmitted diseases.
Upon completion of my degree , I would like to use the knowledge and experience obtained from Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical Univ. and the Univ. South Alabama in and out of the classrooms to further my professional career by taking the National Certification Exam which upon successful completion, will allow me to become a Certified Health Education Specialist. My dream jobs include working for the Center for Disease and Control at headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia and to become a Superintendent of a Public School System.